
IGSN-Symposium: Multisensory integration and cross-modal plasticity with emphasis in hearing and touch

17.06.2024 : 15:00, FNO - 01/117

Effects of rhythmic tactile stimulation on auditory processing
Lars Riecke (Cognitive Neuroscience, Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience, Maastricht University,The Netherlands)

Seeing with technology: Exchanging the senses with sensory substitution and augmentation
Michael Proulx (Crossmodal Cognition Lab, Department of Psychology, University of Bath, UK)

Aging and digitalized tactile augmentation: Lessons learned from cortical processes of multisensory plausibility in virtual environments
Shu-Chen Li (Lifespan Developmental Neuroscience, Faculty of Psychology, Dresden University of Technology, Germany)


Fatima Sofia Avila Cascajares
Cognitive Neuroscience, Department of Neuropsychology, Faculty of Psychology, Ruhr University Bochum