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Photo of two hands touching each other. If it is desired on both sides, touch can be good for the soul and the body. © RUB/Marquard

A hug can have a beneficial effect. Even when it comes from a robot.

Touch can do a lot of good – so far, so good. But to what extent do humans benefit from it? A research team from Bochum, Duisburg-Essen and Amsterdam analyzed over 130 international studies with around 10,000 participants to answer this questions. The researchers proved that what touch really does is alleviate pain, depression and anxiety.

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Portrait photo of Prof. Dr. Martin Diers, a friendly-looking man in a blue shirt.

Forschungsgruppe untersucht Online-Spielsucht und Internetpornografie

Verhaltenssüchte, wie sie bei ungesunder und exzessiver Nutzung von Computerspielen, Shopping, Internetpornografie und Sozialen Medien auftreten, nehmen seit vielen Jahren zu. Zu Auswirkungen, Ursachen und Verhalten besteht nach wie vor noch viel Forschungsbedarf. Die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) hat die Förderung der transregionalen Forschungsgruppe* zu Verhaltenssüchten verlängert und mit weiteren fünf Millionen Euro ausgestattet.

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The picture shows a close-up of a white pigeon with gray wings.The avian brain is smaller than that of many mammals, but just as capable.  © RUB, Marquard

Since the late 19th century, it has been a common belief among researchers that high intelligence requires the high computing capacity of large brains.

Avian brains, by contrast, are very small and lack any structure resembling a cortex. Nevertheless, scientists showed that parrots and corvids are capable of planning for the future, forging social strategies, recognizing themselves in the mirror and building tools.

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Two individuals standing in front of a bridge: Kristin Glotzbach and Andreas Faissner from the Bochum Department of Cell Morphology and Molecular Neurobiology © RUB/Marquard

Researchers from Bochum and Dortmund have created an artificial cell environment that could promote the regeneration of nerves.

Usually, injuries to the brain or spinal cord don’t heal easily due to the formation of fluid-filled cavities and scars that prevent tissue regeneration. One starting point for medical research is therefore to fill the cavities with a substance that offers neural stem cells optimal conditions for proliferation and differentiation.

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a person walks along an avenue of trees in the middle of the road in the fall © Pixabay

Social isolation and loneliness are major societal problems.

Researchers from the Central Institute of Mental Health (CIMH) in Mannheim, in collaboration with scientists from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Ruhr University Bochum, Germany, and the University of Bern, have investigated the extent to which physical activity can mitigate the negative effects of being alone on affective well-being.

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Three people standing in a park with trees in the background: Cornelius Mueller-Buehl, Andreas Faissner and Jacqueline Reinhard-Recht from the Bochum research team. © RUB/Marquard

The environment of retinal nerve cells plays a crucial role in the processing of visual signals.

A research team from Ruhr University Bochum, together with other research groups, was able to show that the combined loss of four proteins leads to a severe impairment of the function of the retina, reduced visual movement processing and significant synaptic changes.

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Picture of Verian Bader and Konstanze Winklhofer © RUB, Marquard

Researchers have identified a mechanism that promotes the breakdown of harmful protein deposits. If it malfunctions, it can lead to Parkinson’s disease.

NEMO, a protein that is primarily associated with signaling processes in the immune system, prevents the deposition of protein aggregates that occur in Parkinson’s disease.

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Jackdaws improve their memory performance by classifying continuous stimuli into categories. The so-called attractor dynamics provide new insights into the functioning of the brain.

Working memory is a crucial element of higher cognition in both primates – which include humans – and corvids. In their studies researchers at Ruhr University Bochum have now discovered remarkable parallels in the memory optimization of primates and corvids.

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It’s quite obvious that they are involved. The latest findings show one possible way.

Neurodegenerative diseases are characterized by the deposition of clumped proteins in the brain and progressive neuronal cell death. Although the causal link between protein aggregates and neurodegeneration is clear, it is still unclear in what way misfolded proteins trigger cell death.

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Eine neue Immuntherapie hilft gegen Myasthenie und könnte auch bei Multipler Sklerose und Rheuma eine Perspektive bieten.

Ein internationales Forschungsteam aus Deutschland und den USA hat einen Erfolg im Kampf gegen die bisher unheilbare Autoimmunerkrankung Myasthenie erzielt, durch die Betroffene im schlimmsten Fall kaum noch laufen, schlucken oder kauen können.

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